5 Construction Industry Trends You Must Know to Stay in the Competitive Market

In this modernized age a boom in innovations and technology has affected the construction industry. New technology and trends have led to an increase in profit margins. It has provided scope for getting more projects. One needs to be well aware about the current trends and advancement to remain in the competition.

Construction industries are also highly affected by the coronavirus pandemic hit so it is important to follow the latest technology and new trends for industrial contractors to stay in this competitive market. Here is an overview of some interesting tech trends in the construction business.

1. Technology Advancement and Integration

Today Construction companies should adopt new techniques and innovations. The integration of technology apps and programs will help in managing all areas of construction projects. Thus saving cost, time, and improve productivity. Following are the different technologies that will support in shaping the future of construction companies.


A. Drones and Robotics:

Drone usage is gaining increasing popularity in construction companies. Drones can reach a considerable height and help in a quick survey of the entire job site. It helps in reducing labor costs, minimizing thefts, and ensuring worker’s safety. This leads to accuracy and rapid decision making. Thus streamlines the entire process of construction.

A robot in the workforce increases the quality of work and reduces construction time. Robots are also safer and cheaper for demolishing concrete structures.


B. Mobile Technology and Cloud Application:

Mobile provides many applications for immediate inspection as well as on-site accountability. Also with the help of a mobile phone camera, one can measure spaces accurately and quickly.

One such mobile application is the Cloud application. It facilitates the storage of large amounts of data. It also gives remote access to all information about multiple construction projects and job sites. Also, delivery schedules and installation instructions are known.


C. 3D Printing and BIM Technology:

A 3D print of the entire house ensures that materials are appropriately used. This helps in reducing the construction cost. It also facilitates the easy creation of more complex designs.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a 3D way of representing buildings, roads, and utilities. It helps the contractors to visualize the construction process. This visualization reduces wastage of time, labor, and materials on a project.

D. Virtual Augmented Reality:

Virtual reality allows an architect to improve designs, and detect design errors. It enables us to get a more accurate measure of the real project through a camera lens. It provides a digital visualization and a permanent record of buildings and structures. Thus a pre-construction 360-degree view of the project can be made tangible to the client. Also, it is easier to stimulate safety measures for workers and service engineer


2. Green Technology and Sustainable Construction:

Green Construction refers to the building projects in an eco-friendly way. It also assures the efficient use of resources. Green Construction trends include reducing pollution by minimizing carbon emission, making bricks out of recycled cigarette butts, and using thermal driven air conditioners. Research shows that a Green Building has a positive, psychological, and physiological impact.

Sustainability might seem like the same trend as Green Construction. Green technology reduces pollution whereas sustainability provides methods for making the world a better place to live in. Sustainable construction focuses on social progress. It preserves the environment with efficient use of resources. Buildings are designed to allow natural light to reach to the middle. Also, the use of LED bulbs saves electricity costs. Reusing sink water in the toilets or use of low flush or waterless toilets helps preserve water.

Green Technology and Sustainable Construction create an economical and environmentally efficient building.


3. Modular And Pre Fabricated Construction:

Prefabrication and Modularization is also a prevalent trend. It saves time, money, and improves productivity. As the units are built off-site, construction barriers such as weather and limited working hours can be overcome. Unused materials can be recycled. Also, construction professionals can gain bulk discounts on materials.


4. Implementation of Safety Equipments:

Construction Safety Equipment is gaining importance due to an increase in mishaps and deaths on construction sites. A pair of work boots can be connected to wifi. This can send GPS coordinates to supervisor alerting them about a fallen or tired worker. Also, the installation of environmental sensors to detect noise, heat, and wind at construction sites can serve as a warning to evacuate workers and move costly equipment during a natural crisis. As there is a rise in the number of women employees in the construction industry employers need to ensure that personal protection equipment properly fits both men and women.


5. Continuing Labor Crisis and Rising Cost

The Labor shortage in the construction industry continues to be an issue even today. For meeting project demand and backlogs, construction firms should attract young and talented professionals. The younger generation is much in tune with technology and modernization. They can keep pace with the growing business demands.



The present scenario shows that an increase in construction cost has reduced the profit margins in the construction industry. But by streaming the construction process and moving forward with the effective current trends, construction firms can minimize cost and maximize profits. 


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